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Cum celelalte companii producatoare de telefoane mobile vin de fiecare cu ceva nou, acelasi lucru vrea si Nokia. Asa ca au stabilit un parteneriat cu Universitatea din Southampton din Marea Britanie pentru folosirea puterii unui fulger (200.000 de volți) pentru incarcarea bateriei smartphone-ului Nokia Lumia 625.

Mai exact (conform descrierii clipului de pe contul oficial de Youtube al companiei) :

Nokia have partnered with the University of Southampton to unveil ground-breaking, proof-of-concept research into harnessing the power of lightning for personal use, an industry first that could potentially see consumers tap one of nature’s significant energy sources to charge their devices in a sustainable manner.

This experiment underlines Nokia’s 150-year commitment to innovation and delivering the most pioneering products to its customers. That the Nokia Lumia 925 could withstand this sort of experiment is testament to the renowned high quality and durability of Nokia’s devices and the company’s continuing research to increase the already outstanding reliability of its products.

Comentariile sunt de asemenea foarte spumoase, la fel ca si ideea daca ne gandim un pic : „Tesla. Connecting People”, „Thor’ Smartphone..”, „2013: Damn, I forgot my charger/2020: Damn, I forgot my lightning rod”, „Thor: Time to switch from hammer to Lumia and summon lightnings” sau „Ironman have done that many times before”.

Voi ce credeți – va reuși Nokia sa scoata ceva concret din aceste experimente sau totul e doar o gluma?


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