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După cum probabil ne-am obișnuit, EA Sports a scos și în acest an un joc din seria FIFA, FIFA 21. Odată cu această nouă versiune a jocului, au apărut câteva noi scheme care cu siguranță te vor ajuta să domini competiția online. Noi abilități precum Bridge Dribble completează noul sistem de dribling al jocului, care oferă mai mult control jucătorilor atunci când atacă.

Dacă dorești să practici noi scheme FIFA 21, îți recomandăm să încerci modul de joc Practice Arena, disponibil în meniul de start al jocului. Nu uita să alegi un jucător cu 5 stele de talent, astfel încât să poți testa toate schemele din noul FIFA. Iată lista integrală cu scheme FIFA 21, menționăm ca le-am lăsat în limba engleză pentru a fi mult mai ușor de înteles.

scheme fifa 21
scheme FIFA 21

Mișcări de 1 stea în FIFA 21

  • Double Tap R1/RB – Bridge Skill
  • Hold L1/LB + R1/RB + R Direction – Directional Nutmeg
  • L2/LT + R1/RB Tap – Ball juggle (while standing)
  • Hold L1/LB + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A + flick the left stick up and left – Open up fake shot left 
  • Hold L1/LB + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A + flick the left stick up and right – Open up fake shot right
  • Hold L1/LB + R3 – Flick up for volley

Mișcări de 2 stele în FIFA 21

  • Flick the right stick down twice – Feint forward and turn
  • Flick the right stick right – Body Feint rIght
  • Flick the right stick left – Body Feint left
  • Drag right stick clockwise from the top – Stepover right
  • Drag right stick counter-clockwise from the top – Stepover left
  • Drag right stick counter-clockwise from the right – Reverse Stepover right
  • Drag right stick clockwise from the left – Reverse Stepover left
  • Flick right stick left and hold – Ball roll left
  • Flick right stick right and hold – Ball roll right 
  • L1/LB + R1/RB + flick left stick down – Drag back

Mișcări de 3 stele în FIFA 21

  • Flick right stick up then down – Heel flick
  • Drag right stick clockwise to the right from the bottom – Roulette right
  • Drag right stick counter-clockwise to the left from the bottom – Roulette left
  • Drag right stick stick counter-clockwise from left to right – Fake left and go right
  • Drag right stick clockwise from right to left – Fake right and go left
  • Hold L2/LT + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A + flick the left stick to the left and hold – Heel chop left
  • Hold L2/LT + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A + flick the left stick to the right and hold it – Heel chop right

Mișcări de 4 stele în FIFA 21

  • Hold L1/LB + R3 – Ball hop
  • Flick right stick up and down – Heel to heel flick
  • Flick right stick down, then up twice – Simple Rainbow
  • Flick right stick diagonally to the bottom-left twice – Spin left
  • Flick right stick diagonally to the bottom-right twice – Spin right
  • Flick right stick up then left – Stop and turn left
  • Flick right stick up then right – Stop and turn right 
  • Hold the right stick to the left and the left stick to the right – Ball roll cut right
  • Hold the right stick to the right and the left stick to the left – Ball roll cut left
  • Hold R2/RT + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A – Fake Pass
  • Hold R2/RT + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A and flick the left stick diagonally to the top-left – Fake pass exit left
  • Hold R2/RT + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A and flick the left stick diagonally to the top-right – Fake pass exit right
  • Pull right stick down and hold – Quick ball rolls
  • Hold L1/LB + flick the right stick down then right or left – Drag to heel
  • Hold L1/LB + hold right stick to the left – Lane change left
  • Hold L1/LB + hold right stick to the right – Lane change right 
  • Hold L2/LT + flick right stick down and left – Three touch roulette left
  • Hold L2/LT + flick right stick down and right – Three touch roulette right
  • Flick right stick down and then left – Drag back spin left
  • Flick right stick down and then right – Drag back spin right

Mișcări de 5 stele în scheme FIFA 21

  • Drag right stick clockwise from right to left – Elastico
  • Drag right stick counter-clockwise from left to right – Reverse Elastico
  • Flick right stick downwards, hold upwards and then flick upwards – Advanced Rainbow
  • Drag right stick clockwise from the bottom to the left and then counter-clockwise from left to right – Hocus Pocus
  • Drag right stick counter-clockwise from the bottom to the right and then clockwise from right to left  – Triple Elastico
  • Hold the right stick to the right and then flick upwards – Ball roll and flick left
  • Hold the right stick to the left and then flick upwards – Ball roll and flick right
  • Hold R1/RB + flick right stick up and down – Heel flick turn
  • Flick right stick up twice and then down – Sombrero flick
  • Flick right stick up then left – Turn and spin left
  • Flick right stick up then right – Turn and spin right
  • Hold right stick to the left then flick to the right – Ball roll fake left
  • Hold right stick to the right and then flick to the left – Ball roll fake right
  • Hold L2/LT and flick the right stick up and then left or right – Ball roll fake turn 
  • Hold R1/RB + drag right stick clockwise from right to left – Elastico chop left
  • Hold R1/RB + drag right stick counter-clockwise from left to right  – Elastico chop right
  • Hold R1/RB + flick right stick up then left – Spin flick left
  • Hold R1/RB + flick right stick up then right – Spin flick right
  • Hold L1/LB + hold right stick up – Flick over
  • Hold L1/LB + flick right stick up and then left – Tornado spin left
  • Hold L1/LB + flick right stick up then right – Tornado spin right
  • Hold L2/LT + Square/X or Circle/B then X/A + drag left stick down – Rabona Fake

Jonglări de 5 stele în FIFA 21

  • L2/LT + hold R1/RB – Laces flick up 
  • Hold left stick down – Sombrero flick backwards
  • Hold left stick left – Sombrero flick left
  • Hold left stick right – Sombrero flick right
  • Full clockwise or counter-clockwise motion with the right stick – Around the World
  • Flick right stick right then left – In Air Elastico
  • Flick right stick left then right – Reverse In Air Elastico
  • Hold left stick up – Flick up for volley
  • Hold L2/LT + click the right stick twice – Chest Flick
  • Full counter-clockwise motion with the right stick and then flick the right stick up – T. Around the World
Avatar of Catalin Calugaru

Fondator al site-ului, ce a fuzionat ulterior cu și pasionat încă de mic copil de tot ce ține de tehnologie. Master în Information Systems for e-Business și absolvent al secției de calculatoare cu predare în limba engleză la Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică din Craiova.

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