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Jim Richardson, unul dintre fotografii revistei National Geographic, a decis ca este timpul sa lase DSLR-ul marca Nikon acasa si sa incerce sa fotografieze peisajele Scotiei cu camera ultimului model de iPhone lansat recent de Apple.

Incepand de pe strazile orașului Edinburgh și terminand cu peisajele de munte ale regiunii, Jim a facut aproximativ 4000 de fotografii in patru zile cu noul iPhone. Acesta a fost incantat de optiunea prin care fotografiile sunt facute exact ca atunci cand folosim Instagram, camera telefonului dandu-le deja forma caracteristica (patrata) aplicatiei. Cat despre concluzia trasa de fotograf, aceasta suna in felul urmator :

What surprised me most was that the pictures did not look like compromises. They didn’t look like I was having to settle for second best because it was a mobile phone. They just looked good. Nothing visually profound is being produced here, I would have to say. But it feels good, and I even noticed some of the folks on our tour putting big digital cameras aside once in a while and pulling out their cell phones when they just wanted to make a nice picture.

Puteti arunca o privire si voi: National Geographic


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